- Details
No dogma. No creeds. Just religion-free. Well, some of us would like that, anyway! But can we survive in a culture that floats in unquestioned faith, and sees honest doubt as somehow evil?
History is a story of the climb from dogma to doubt. Skepticism threads it like veins of fire, heresy sparks from mind to mind, igniting them and shaping the ideas that shape us. Always it was the nonconformist thinker who bent the first grasses, and led the way for the rest.
So for “unchurched” Sacramento-area citizens, AOF is here: a freethought oasis, a comfort zone and a community of mind.
Check us out. Learn about us. Above all, don't hesitate to doubt us, too.
No, you need not be an atheist to join. We agree only on the right to question, and a goal: to be a crucible and catalyst for a nation more rational, more humane, more open, more accepting, and less dogmatic than what you may see now.
The door is open. Step this way.
→ Our Mission ←
The purpose of Atheists and Other Freethinkers is to promote the civic understanding of atheism and the acceptance of atheists in our community. Through educational programs, projects, and publications, AOF will extend secular perspectives, including the separation of religion and government and the right to think and speak freely on these perspectives.
General Meetings of AOF are open to the public, and always free -- about a meeting a month, often at the Sacramento Reason Center, but lately by online teleconference (easier than you might think). We have more frequent events and activities too: civic service projects, dinners, movie outings, parties! To see what awaits you, click the calendar, sign up for our newsletter, or simply contact us.