A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheismĀ and freethought in our community

"A committee is organic rather than mechanical by nature: not a structure but a plant. It takes root and grows, it flowers, it wilts, it dies, and it scatters the seed from which other committees will bloom in their turn."
   ~ C. Northcote Parkinson

But where would we be without them? AOF always needs wise, dedicated committee-folk to perform small & large tasks at meetings, to support our precious infrastructure, to help us flourish. We welcome, we love, we fawn on our volunteers. If you can help, just visit AOF's Contact page. Following is our current committee structure.

  Atheist Alliance International (AAI) and Atheist Alliance of America (AAA):
Mynga K Futrell
  Council for Secular Humanism (CSH) and Center For Inquiry (CFI): Fran Evanisko
  American Atheists (AA): Dave Flanders
  American Humanist Association (AHA) and Humanist Association of the Greater Sacramento Area (HAGSA): Kathy Johnson, Mynga K Futrell
  Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF): Judy Saint
  Sacramento Coalition of Reason (SCoR): Rachael Harrington

Newsletter Committee:
Fran Evanisko (Editor), Ben Tuason (Postal Mailings)

Pat Kelley (Webmistress), Ken Nahigian (minion)

Postal Clerk (mailed communications):
Ben Tuason

Community Service Projects:
Don Knutson

Juvenile Hall / Youth Outreach Education Program:
Judy Saint, Rene Hamlin

Library Curator:
Mynga Futrell, Ruth Rezos (deputy), Fran Evanisko (deputy)

Education & Action Coordinator:
Mynga Futrell

Registrar (Membership Database):
Ken Nahigian

Meetings and Programs:
Susan McLean, Rae Howard, Christine Tweet, Nancy Sneed, Pamella Rivera

Host, Hospitality & Caring Committee:
Ken Nahigian, Kathy Johnson, Kathy Warnock, Fran Evanisko

Social Activities:


Publicy and Outreach:
Fran Evanisko

Inactive (so inactive)

Growing Our Membership:
Wide open, we need someone for this

Archive Committee:
Inactive (archived, heh)