A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheismĀ and freethought in our community

== First, Some Classic Favorites ==

100 Banned Books

Views: 39083
100 Banned Books

Separation of Church and State

Views: 27809
Separation of Church and State

The Origin of Life - Abiogenesis - Dr. Jack Szostak

Views: 719282
The Origin of Life - Abiogenesis - Dr. Jack Szostak


Recent popular freethought & humanist videos (the list changes daily):

Freethought Videos

’Hell’ as an invention of the church

Views: 398422
'Hell' as an invention of the church

(FULL FILM) "LEAVING GOD: Why I left God and why so many others are too." (2017 Documentary)

Views: 3309
(FULL FILM) "LEAVING GOD: Why I left God and why so many others are too." (2017 Documentary)

"Ban The Books!"

Views: 3121
"Ban The Books!"

For more, visit: The Atheist Media Blog