A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheism and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

The Future of AOF                                                                                                              Hits : 678
Sunday, November 13, 2011, 01:30pm - 04:00pm
Location :  Sierra II Community Center - Room 10, 2791 24th Street, Sacramento

Back to the Future

AOF apologizes for a change of plans. We will not host a public screen of the acclaimed movie about D.M. Bennett, notorious 19th-century freethinker, at the November general meeting -- that must await another day!  Instead we urge every dues-paying AOF member, and every freethinker concered about the future of organized freethought in Sacramento, to attend an open discussion of AOF's future. In other words, where do we go from here?

Sacramento-area freethought activism is flourishing. AOF, less so. Our general meetings have dwindled. AOF Directors have discussed this and what to do about it. Currently AOF pays pays about $150 a month for meeting room rent at the Sierra 2 center, which has lately averaged to about $10 per person. Per month. This may not be a wise use of our resources (your dues).

What to do?  The Board proposes a new quarterly general meeting schedule. This would allow AOF to seek more exciting, perhaps better known speakers to whom we could pay a reasonable honorarium, even travel expenses if necessary. What do you think of this?

On months we do not meet at the Sierra 2 site, we might plan some strictly social gatherings. Meanwhile, AOF will continue to support the Darwin Day event in February, Freethought Day in October, and other special activities.

The Board has also proposes a more focused effort during 2012 to establish Reason House for the Sacramento community of reason. This means anything from finding a piece of property on which to construct a building to an actual building that would meet our needs. We certainly would appreciate membership input on this issue!

Also coming up at the November meeting, of course: AOF Board Elections. Under AOF Bylaws, each November, we bloodily execute the previous band of autocratic opressors, and instill a new band of autocratic opressors. Just kidding about the execute part -- we hope. But if you are a voting AOF member, come to this meeting, excercise your unique franchise, and help throw the rascals out (or keep them in, your choice).

If you are a dues-paying AOF member and would like to serve on the Board this year, please contact us!

Contact :  916-447-3589, or click to our Contact Page
Help make it a fun meeting! Bring something light & edible for the snack table if you can: finger foods, fruit juice or soda pop (nothing needing utensils, please).