A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheismĀ and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

HumanLight/Solstice Party                                                                                                              Hits : 548
Sunday, December 20, 2015, 12:30pm - 03:00pm
Location :  Reason Center, 1824 Tribute Road Suite A, Sacramento, see map


Each year AOF joins hands with HAGSA to host a singular and spectacular party, the HumanLight (slash) Winter Solstice celebration. Each year we invite all our friends in the local secular community to join us. No membership required. Just come help us honor and express positive humanist ideals and values, the real reasons for the season: reason, compassion, hope, humanity. The turn of the year. The return of precious light. And maybe, just a bit, gluttony too.

At minimum, festivities will include a potluck feast, with music, camaraderie and general reverie, a freethought quiz to stretch your mind, a charity drive for pets and people, and a raffle with delightful prizes, the revenue therefrom to benefit a proposed library. Bring a few spare dollars for the raffle, as tickets are a mere $1 each, the cause is good, and some of the prizes will be amazing. You'll be amazed at how amazing. Trust.

We will have more. Like games, a humanist-of-the-year award, even live performance art. Plans coalesce as you read this, so this is but a sketch. If you can help, or have ideas, please contact the event planner (email below)!

(And take note of new event location for this event, not the same as last year.)

For the charity drive, if you can, bring a bit of people- or pet-food to donate; volunteers will convey it to the appropriate pantry, and your Grinch-heart will grow three sizes.

For the Luncheon (potluck style), please bring something tasty and snacky, prepared, well-presented, ready to serve, with your own favorite beverage. Be aware, the hall has one small microwave, a sink and a refrigerator, that is all, no oven and no stove. Have a serving dish and serving utensil please, but we will provide dining plates, bowls, utensils, napkins and cups. Eating will begin at 1 pm.

Children. HL/S is as always a family-friendly event. Your smalls are welcome too. But advise the event organizer (see below) so she can plan.

What is HumanLight/Solstice? It is a secular oasis in the wasteland of radioactive sugar-cookie mysticism, an escape from department store consumerism, and an opportunity to celebrate the simple warmth of human kinship. For a history of the celebration, please visit http://humanlight.org/. For images of a past HL/S Party, courtesy of our Sac-FAN friends, see below or click here.

So join us, join us, join us. No charge of course. Friends & family welcome. Parking as free as your thoughts! But if you plan to attend, RSVP to the event planner, as it would help to have a head-count.

See below for a map to the site.

Celebrate  Feast  Dance
Contact :  reneinsac (at) gmail (dot) com, or call AOF (916-304-3796)
Reason Center has no cooking facilities, so pre-prepare please. Hot plates, crock pots and warmers should be OK. Open fires, not so much. To volunteer, help set up & clean, contact: reneinsac (at) gmail (dot) com.