A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheismĀ and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Questioning Believers                                                                                                              Hits : 536
Sunday, April 24, 2016, 01:00pm - 03:00pm
Location :  Sacramento Reason Center, 1824 Tribute Rd, Suite A, Sacramento, see map

Anthony Magnabosco has some questionsAnthony Magnabosco - Why & How to Question Believers

From the great state of Texas comes Anthony Magnabosco, an educator, skeptic and agnostic-atheist whose mission and passion is "street epistemology." What's that? It is a new way to talk to friends, family, co-workers and strangers about deep-seated beliefs.

About philosophy. About politics. And about faith.

For practical examples, see his YouTube Channel. Anthony evolved this technique over three years, conversing with hundreds of devout, earnest believers, honing and polishing a psychology of communication. As introduced in Dr. Peter Boghossian's book A Manual for Creating Atheists, street epistemology helps open doors and build bridges. It invites religious believers to gaze into a clearer mirror; to examine, in a more honest way, how they construct beliefs about God, and whether their methods are reliable.

You may never "argue" with religious people again. You might change the world for the better. And who knows, you might find some fallacies lurking in the cobwebbed corners of your mind, too!

As ever, believers are welcome. Come listen to Anthony, schmooze with us, challenge us. Maybe bring some light snacks and beverages for the hospitality table. And if you could, if you would, stuff a ragged old greenback or two into the donation jar. This is how we support Reason Center -- the only Sacramento-area venue dedicated to minds as free as yours!

Contact :  See our Contact Page
Attendance, parking & refreshments are free. Really. To cover expenses, we cheerfully accept donations. It's your call, just be kindly disposed.