A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheism and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

What you Don't Know ...                                                                                                              Hits : 706
Sunday, August 14, 2016, 02:30pm - 04:30pm
Location :  Sacramento Reason Center, 1824 Tribute Rd, Suite A, Sacramento, see map

Ryan T CragunRyan T. Cragun:
Does it help? Does it hurt? What You Don't Know About Religion, but Maybe Should!
(aka: How to Defeat Religion in 10 Easy Steps)

What should you know about religion? Besides not drinking the Kool-Aid, that is. OK, so nonbelievers, on average, may know more about faith than do believers, on average -- that's no surprise. Heretics, outcasts and apostates are often driven to dig up the dirt. But none of us know it all. And what you thought you knew, and don't, might turn your blood to ice.

Ice is nice, especially in August. So Ryan T. Cragun, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Tampa, Florida, is here to bring us an irreverent, engaging, and illuminating introduction to the sociological study of religion for non-experts. Using U.S. and international data, and clear and simple analyses, Ryan will answer all who have ever asked if religion really helps or hurts society, or wondered what the future holds for faith.

Another event of the AOF Speaker Series (we say it with pride).

Where will it happen? Where can you hear this exceptional speaker? Reason Center, of course. RC is a priceless regional resource for nonbelievers. So priceless that, for this event only, we suggest a price. That's a voluntary donation of $2 per person. Dare we call it a love offering?

But it might be a warm day, so please help RC keep the AC running.

Contact :  See our Contact Page
Free parking, family friendly, and friend friendly. The $2 donation is optional, really. But be nice. Maybe even bring some cool snacks for the goodie table, and/or help set up or clean up, hm?