A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheism and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Philosophers' Table: Morality & Religion                                                                                                              Hits : 518
Sunday, November 27, 2016, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
Location :  Sacramento Reason Center, 1824 Tribute Rd, Suite A, Sacramento, see map
RightWrongMorality and the Problem of Religion: A Philosophers' Table discussion!

Here's a question. Religious leaders have argued that without a god, people would lack a moral compass, would commit heinous crimes -- because of no threat of hell. "If God does not exist, everything is permitted," old Dostoevsky reportedly wrote. But what of all the "holy wars" packed with atrocities? What about the Inquisition, the Magdalene Sisters, clergy child abuse, the witch executions, poor Michael Servetus roasting at the stake? Pick any one horrific example of religious atrocity, then trace though the perpetrators' rationale. How do they justify their acts? Do they appeal to logic, or to religion? Does this suggest something, or are we being a bit unfair?

Join AOF friends and members for another Philosophers' Table discussion. Just be open to questions, and listen as much as you speak.



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Religious believers are always welcome to AOF's Philosophers' Tables. Why not invite one?