A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheism and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Philosophers' Table: Right & Wrong                                                                                                              Hits : 450
Sunday, March 26, 2017, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
Location :  Sacramento Reason Center, 1824 Tribute Rd, Suite A, Sacramento, see map
philosophersRight & Wrong, simple choices ... right?

Nonbelievers see moral issues in graytones. Rigid religious believers, black and white. So they say at least (whoever "they" are). But is it so, and why? What could be at the root of this division? Maybe because simple answers are comforting. Maybe because freethinkers wish to whitewash the stain of their dark, dark sins. Maybe because some people ("fundamentalists") dislike squirmous concepts. Or nonbelievers like the squirmous a bit too much. Do we really relish moral ambiguity, does it delight us to escape justice on technicalities? Let's investigate the moral decision process and its squirmous consequences.



Contact :  See our Contact Page
AOF Philosophers' Tables are totally free to attend, open to all, believers too. And stay after, because another squirmous meeting will follow this! (Guess who learned a new word.)