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World Environment Day                                                                                                              Hits : 9896
Tuesday, June 05, 2018

The goal of World Environment Day is to stimulate worldwide awareness of environmental issues, and to generate action for conservation. The United Nations General Assembly established World Environment Day in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Each year World Environment Day celebrations occur at a different location around the globe. To find a location for this year, see: World Environment Day Events.

World Environment Day gives environmental issues a human face, one with which we can identify. The philosophy of the Day has changed little over the last three decades; it still strives to associate faces with environmental issues and empower people to be advocates of sustainable and equitable development. By promoting an understanding that communities are pivotal to changing the attitudes towards environmental issues, and advocating partnerships, World Environment Day strives to ensure all nations and peoples enjoy a safe, clean, healthy, and more prosperous future.

In the words of the United Nations Environment Programme, "On this World Environment Day, let us not despair, but instead examine the state of our environment. Let us consider carefully the actions which each of us must take, and then address ourselves to our common task of preserving all life on earth in a mood of sober resolution and quiet confidence."

Groups around the world hold activities to acknowledge and celebrate this day. Find an activity near you, and join the fun!

Environment Day
