AOF Activities & Events
Free Movie Night! Hits : 572
Friday, July 06, 2018, 07:00pm - 10:00pm
Location : Reason Center, 1824 Tribute Rd, Suite A, Sacramento, see map
The Movie Night is an informal, picnic-style family event. The venue has a large silver screen and a dynamic sound system. Chairs are available but may be a bit rough for a two-hour sit, so it's OK to bring blankets, pillows, lawn chairs and your own snacks & beverage, non-alcoholic please. RC often provides fluffy, buttery theater popcorn. Children are welcome if they're cool children -- and if you judge the movie appropriate for tender eyes & ears. (Also, remember: the taller your personal chair, the further back you will sit.)
Twice a month, Reason Center (RC) and AOF host a Free Movie Night just for you, working with an excellent MPLC License that makes it all legal & legit. Alas, the License prohibits us from naming the movie here. But we can hint.
In this case it's the startling 2006 documentary directed by Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing, and nominated for Best Documentary Feature at the 79th Academy Awards, about a Charismatic Christian summer camp for children. You can figure it out now. If not, contact Reason Center (see below) -- they'll tell you, then you can tell the world.
The Movie Night is an informal, picnic-style family event. The venue has a large silver screen and a dynamic sound system. Chairs are available but may be a bit rough for a two-hour sit, so it's OK to bring blankets, pillows, lawn chairs and your own snacks & beverage, non-alcoholic please. RC often provides fluffy, buttery theater popcorn. Children are welcome if they're cool children -- and if you judge the movie appropriate for tender eyes & ears. (Also, remember: the taller your personal chair, the further back you will sit.)
Movie Night is mainly for Reason Center members, but non-members are welcome too. RC may beg a small voluntary donation to cover costs. How can you become a Reason Center member? Sign up at Membership is a minuscule $5 a month, is tax deductible if you itemize, and the perks (like this one) will inspire you.
Contact : See the Reason Center Contact Page
Free Movie Nights occur two Friday evenings each month. And you can suggest your own fave film for next time!