A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheism and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Darwin Day Birthday Gala                                                                                                              Hits : 496
Sunday, February 10, 2019, 02:00pm - 05:00pm
Location :  John Smith Hall, La Sierra Community Center, 5325 Engle Road, Carmichael
Elderly DarwinA Marine Biologist in Today’s World

Presenting for the 21st fabulous year: the Darwin Day Birthday Gala, Sacramento's coolest, most singular, most go-to event of science and human reason, brought to you by area science advocates, civic groups and local nerds on too much coffee. This one marks Charles Darwin's 210th birthday. It will occur at the traditional site, the cavernous yet cozy John Smith Hall of the La Sierra Community Center, in Carmichael.

Darwin Day is a science-rush like no other, an annual celebration of scientific inquiry honoring of the life and work of the great Charles Darwin (b. 12 February 1809), sponsored worldwide by community and educational groups. It is not exactly an AOF event, but AOF helped establish it as a local celebration, and continues to support it and commend it to all our friends in the Sacramento community of reason. Because, science! And what is science but reason in the trenches?

For the respectable history of this mind-growing event, visit https://americanhumanist.org/what-we-do/darwin-day/.

Doors will open at 2 o’clock post meridiem, the main program to begin at 2:30. Arrive early, tour the display tables, visit the vendors, grab some science swag, then find a cozy seat. Relax and enjoy the opening entertainment, to include eclectic music by the silver-voiced Marie Bain. Then get ready for the feature: Richard K. Grosberg, PhD, Professor of Evolution and Ecology at UC Davis.

Image result for Richard K. Grosberg, PhD

Dr. Grosberg's biography describes how his research centers on major evolutionary transitions in the history of life, as well as the impact of climate change and human activity on evolutionary dynamics. He received his BA in biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, in 1976. In 1981, he received a PhD in biology, fromt Yale University. From 1996 to 2003, he + one or more colleagues published six scholarly publications. He has contributed to work work widely featured on NPR, and in the New York Times, Discover, Scientific American and the Huffington Post, among other media. Those are just highlights.

After his presentation, more entertainment will round the event, plus snacks and of course yummy Darwin Birthday Cake. (It is a birthday party, after all!)

Admission just $10 thru Feb 9, $15 at the door, or $5 with a current Student ID. For details click to the main event website, http://sacdarwinday.info/ ...  or:
Get a ticket now.
View the Event Flyer.

Visit the Facebook Page.

Young Chucky D., the Very Man


→ For a map to the site, click here ←

Contact :  Bill, ph. 916-514-9974, or email "patdesmond8 (at) gmail (dot) com"
With entertainment, vendor tables, educational displays and refreshments!