A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheismĀ and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Michael Caton: Delusional Thinking                                                                                                              Hits : 595
Sunday, March 29, 2020, 02:00pm - 04:00pm
Location :  https://zoom.us/ via Videoconference. Meeting ID is 985-914-9532, Password is 004482.

Dr. Michael CatonPeople still think strange things. Sometimes the things have names. Our speaker will open your eyes to the peculiarities of these weird and often regretably moist syndromes. Join AOF for a talk on the wild side by our favorite vivisector of shipwrecked minds: psychiatrist Michael Caton, whose fascination with delusions has led him behind mental hedgerows and down rust-stained synaptic stairwells to explore some jaw-dropingly false beliefs, fallacies, social signaling, the evolution of thought, and the eerie connects between language, belief, truth and authority.

It may weird you out. But someday, sadly, you may need it.

Mike grew up outside Philadelphia. After developing cardiac and anti-cancer medications in the Bay Area, Mike attended medical school at UC San Diego and served his residency in psychiatry at UC Davis. His research interests are delusions and neuroimaging. He now sees patients in Santa Rosa. In addition to psychiatry, Mike enjoys trail running, blogging, linguistics, and travel. He has a wife and child who keep him honest and mostly non-delusional.

Note, this will be an online presentation, not a physical meeting at Reason Center. Not that we've succumbed to coronavirus panic, but Dr. Caton has been treating a coronavirus patient and is now on self-quarantine. So how do you "attend?" Here's how:

  • Get a free account now or anytime before the meeting, at Zoom.  (This may be optional.)
  • A few minutes before 2pm on Sunday, March 29, visit link https://zoom.us/wc/join/9859149532?pwd=004482.
    Note, the meeting ID number is 985-914-9532. The password is 004482. Zoom may log you in automatically.
  • Revised link: At the last minute, the AOF programs team revised the Zoom meeting link as follows.
    • New Zoom Meeting ID: 718-631-042
    • Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/718631042
    • To joining via mobile phone, call 1-669-900-6833 or 1-346-248-7799
  • Please try both. One of those should work, we hope!

Don't worry, this is new tech for most of us. You don't need a webcam to view the presentation, just a PC with audio, or a smartphone.

Contact :  See the Contact page (http://www.aofonline.org/contact.html)
Like almost all AOF events, totally free! Enjoy at home in your bathrobe and bunny-slippers.