A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheism and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Healing the Political Divide                                                                                                              Hits : 465
Sunday, November 29, 2020, 02:00pm - 04:00pm
Location :  Online Videoconference via Zoom - see link above.
Braver Angels

The polls are closed, the votes counted. A spray of loose chads go scudding in the wind. And you -- you want to climb a water tower with a rifle (or crawl back under the covers at least). But don't, please don't. We know the feeling. And Braver Angels is here to help.

Braver Angels is the conversation we've hoped for: a rational attempt to heal America's political wound; a bipartisan movement dedicated to closing the political chasm and reuniting our divided country.

Attend the online screening and discussion of the Braver Angels documentary, Reuniting America. (To get a jump on the content, see the documentary at https://vimeo.com/326913665 and use the password "angels" or visit their website, https://braverangels.org/.) It features a workshop held shortly after the 2016 election, when 8 Trump voters and 8 Clinton voters met to trade views. See for yourself how the Braver Angels methods can reduce polarization and increase respect even among people with radically different political ideas. The participants started the workshop polarized and tense. By the end, they were able to find common ground and see each other’s humanity. We will view the conversation and discuss your reactions. A leader of the local Braver Angels chapter, Ed Jaszewski, will talk about Braver Angels and answer questions. It promises to be an inspiring and uplifting experience.

Down the road, AOF's sister organization, the Sacramento Freethinkers, Atheists, & Nonbelievers (SacFAN), hopes to host one or more Braver Angels discussion sessions. If you might like to attend one, go to the event web page at https://www.meetup.com/SacFAN/events/273874114/ and leave comments.

Another knockout event of the AOF Speaker Series. Yeah, we're so cool, our coffee got iced.

Done! Here's how to see the Zoom recording of the whole meeting.
(There's a Zoom banner that notifies the host of screen sharing, and it covered up Susan's browser bar. Result: she had a tough time starting the video, which was cued up and ready to go. Also, even though she was using a hardwired Ethernet connection, the 50-minute documentary we watched was extremely jerky. Do yourself a favor and watch their documentary, "Braver Angels: Reuniting America," on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6kZpN5T3lU  )
After the video, we had a WONDERFUL and lively discussion facilitated by local Braver Angels coordinator, Ed Jaszewski.
The recording of the entire SacFAN/AOF meeting is below; the meeting starts at 00:10:25 and resumes at 01:09:02.


Contact :  Email "programs (at) aofonline.org", or see https://www.meetup.com/SacFAN/events/273381228/.
To support the Speaker Series, join AOF at www.aofonline.org/join. Because without AOF, it wouldn't happen.