AOF Activities & Events
It's an AOF planning meeting, mainly for AOF directors & officers but open to all. These happen as required, and are a lot more fun than they sound. Honest.
Join us, meet the Board, keep an eye on the shenanigans. We love visitors. And maybe you'll have some good ideas.
Note, this Board meeting will be by online Teleconference. Which means you can attend from home in your cozy jammies & bunny slippers and with the comforting proximity of your pantry, using your computer or smartphone. How does it work? At the meeting time, simply click this link:
Your clever and capable web browser will take it from there. If you haven't teleconferenced before it may need some trial and error, but you're a smart cookie, you'll muddle through it.
Or you can attend by phone: 669-900-6833, Meeting ID 874 7597 3566, Passcode: 805953.