AOF Activities & Events
Board of Directors Meeting Hits : 1641
Tuesday, November 09, 2021, 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Location : Home, Ken Nahigian & Ruth Rezos, 9570 Harvest View Wy, Sac, see map
It's an AOF planning meeting, mainly for AOF directors & officers but open to all. These happen as required, and are a lot more fun than they sound.
Join us, meet the Board, keep an eye on the shenanigans. We love visitors. We have cold drinks & snacks. And maybe you'll have some good ideas.
Note, this Board meeting will be an actual in-person meeting, so be sure your vaccinations are current, or wear a mask. Also the home has cats, so please do not be alergic.
Contact : See our Contact Page
Bring your ideas for AOF, your strategies, your suggestions for events and activities -- most of all, your volunteerism. Helping hands are wonderful.