A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheism and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Tell Us a Tale                                                                                                              Hits : 151
Sunday, February 27, 2022, 02:00pm - 04:00pm
Location :  Sam's Hofbrau meeting room, 2500 Watt Ave, see map

Story Telling

“I remember when….”

Everybody has a story, maybe two -- events that make good telling, or awaken an attack of first-degree nostalgia. You know how it is. Perhaps a harrowing near-death by-your-skin escape, your first piano recital, or that time you awoke in a Mexican jail in a puddle of suspicious liquid.

You have already shared it with close friends. Now we invite you to the AOF Story Slam, so you can share it again with your freethinker buddies -- tell us all about “it”.

5-7 minute stories or less, please. Unless it's really good. And your tale need not pertain to religion or atheism, though we won't mind if it does.

What, no story? Too shy? That's OK. Just come and listen to others. No pressure. Honest!

We’ll have a general talk-it-up afterwards so everyone will have a chance to comment on what they have heard.

Oh, and if you empurple a bit, tell a tall tale, no one will know, ever.  Just saying.

This is an in-person event. See location below.

Contact :  See our Contact Page
Park free in the lot. Get snacks at the food bar. Meet in the private room at the back. Sac County mask requirements will apply (see https://dhs.saccounty.net/PUB/Documents/ME-HealthOrder20210729.pdf).