A democratic organization supporting separation of state and church,
understanding and acceptence
of atheism and freethought in our community

AOF Activities & Events

Halloween Party with the Portable Poe Show                                                                                                              Hits : 206
Sunday, October 30, 2022, 02:00pm - 04:00pm
Location :  Sam's Hofbrau meeting room, 2500 Watt Ave, see map


Costumes will be admired but not required at AOF's annual Halloween Party. If you got ’em, this is an opportunity to rock ’em. 

Starring Sean O’Brien: Every Corner Productions will present Sean O'Brien delivering a dramatic recitation of Edgar Allan Poe's most popular short stories and poems: The Raven, The Fall of the House of Usher and The Tell Tale Heart. Mr. O'Brien brings these classic horror stories to life with his "The Portable Poe Show," which he has been performing in public schools for over seven years. How better to celebrate Halloween than a program celebrating the master of horror himself?

Lucky us, a way to kick off the fall season and begin the holidays. Let’s party, in costume if you wish, and enjoy a chilling Portable Poe Show as Sean summons Poe's tormented ghost from its Baltimore grave.

Sean began his work on the stage in rural Connecticut when he was but 14, and has acted, directed and taught theater in New York, Virginia, Montana and California. Since retirement from teaching, he has performed for fun in schools and venues around the Sacramento area, including California Freethought Day and the Davis Shakespeare Festival. His growing production company, Every Corner Productions, recently expanded its repertoire to include a new show, “Bob: The Words of Col. Robert Green Ingersoll."



Contact :  See our Contact Page
Park free in the lot. Get grub in the front, and convene in the room at the back.